Monday 19 April 2010

How to Get Comfortable with God

by Joyce Meyer

Do you know how much God loves you?

God proved His love for us through His Son, Jesus, who died for our sins. But, for some reason, it’s hard to carry on a conversation with Him. We can be so distant.

I bet God really gets a kick out of how some of us talk to Him. We can be so serious and formal. “Oh, Lord Most Higheth! Howeth my heart doth longest for Thee!”

We need to get comfortable with God. I don’t mean disrespectful, but we should know that He loves us and that we don’t have to be afraid of Him.

The Importance of Spending Time with God

First Corinthians 8:6 says that God created us to live for Him He’s given us the gift of life and He wants us to enjoy it!

You can have a joyful, fulfilling life by living in close, personal relationship with God. But in order to get there, you have to spend time with Him. God doesn’t want to just be the button we push when we have an emergency.

Whether we know it or not, without God, we are always in an emergency. Without Him operating in our lives, helping and protecting us, there isn’t one of us who knows one iota about anything we’re doing!

Unlimited Time, Unlimited Blessings

You and I can spend as much time as we want with God. We have an open invitation to invite the Creator of the universe into our life each day. We get to speak to Him personally and read the book of instruction that holds the answers to everything in life.

The devil doesn’t like that. That’s why he works so hard to tell us that God doesn’t want to be around us if we’re not perfect. I’ve got a news flash: We aren’t ever going to be perfect. That’s why Jesus went to the cross for us!

We can go to our heavenly Father as often as we like and He will never get tired of us coming. The Bible says we can come boldly before God fellowship with Him, and have our needs met.

James 4:8 says, Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (NASB) God the Father longs to fellowship with you. The moment you accepted Christ into your heart, God made His home in you. So kick up your feet, get cozy and enjoy the company.

Friday 9 April 2010

Another wonderful Psalm - Psalm 139

Psalm 139 (Contemporary English Version)

1You have looked deep

into my heart, LORD,

and you know all about me.

2You know when I am resting

or when I am working,

and from heaven

you discover my thoughts.

3You notice everything I do

and everywhere I go.

4Before I even speak a word,

you know what I will say,

5and with your powerful arm

you protect me

from every side.

6I can't understand all of this!

Such wonderful knowledge

is far above me.

7Where could I go to escape

from your Spirit

or from your sight?

8If I were to climb up

to the highest heavens,

you would be there.

If I were to dig down

to the world of the dead

you would also be there.

9Suppose I had wings

like the dawning day

and flew across the ocean.

10Even then your powerful arm

would guide and protect me.

11Or suppose I said, "I'll hide

in the dark

until night comes

to cover me over."

12But you see in the dark

because daylight and dark

are all the same to you.

13You are the one

who put me together

inside my mother's body,

14and I praise you

because of

the wonderful way

you created me.

Everything you do is marvelous!

Of this I have no doubt.

15Nothing about me

is hidden from you!

I was secretly woven together

deep in the earth below,

16but with your own eyes

you saw

my body being formed.

Even before I was born,

you had written in your book

everything I would do.

17Your thoughts are far beyond

my understanding,

much more than I

could ever imagine.

18I try to count your thoughts,

but they outnumber the grains

of sand on the beach.

And when I awake,

I will find you nearby.

19How I wish that you would kill

all cruel and heartless people

and protect me from them!

20They are always rebelling

and speaking evil of you.

21You know I hate anyone

who hates you, LORD,

and refuses to obey.

22They are my enemies too,

and I truly hate them.

23Look deep into my heart, God,

and find out everything

I am thinking.

24Don't let me follow evil ways,

but lead me in the way

that time has proven true.