Sunday 14 August 2011

The Big Question: Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist? by Sy Rogers

All over the world people ponder this question. It's been called the 'Theologians Dilemma'that is, how can Christian people defend, let alone believe in and trust a God who allows such terrible evil and suffering on earth?
While touring around the world in 1998/99 as a singer with the euro rock band NoLongerMusic, this issue of God's character in a world of hardship was probably the number one challenge we had to address when interacting with patrons in the clubs and discos where we performed.
Whether in clubs or churches, I've heard this issue raised over and over again by Christians & non Christians alike: "how could God be good when He allowed this tragedy to happen to my child?" or "how could God really be loving if He didn't intervene to prevent such a terrible accident? Or plane crash?, or earthquake?" or "Why would God allow Satan, or Hitler, for that matter?"
The list of questions like this is almost endless. People have an expectation of God that IF He's so good and loving and involved, THEN He shouldn't allow evil or bad things to happen.
Ultimately the real issue being addressed isn't 'why does God allow evil'. Here's the real question: "Is God as good as He says He is?"
The evidence around us in a troubled world makes us wonder -- even the people of faith must wrestle through doubts and fears, which if we don't face up to them, can hinder our experience with God and life. After all, you don't build a relationship with someone you don't fully trust. While I don't know all, and I'm not going to try to defend God whose ways are above and beyond my limited view & experience, I can offer at least 3 understandable reasons explaining WHY the Good Creator, Loving Father, Powerful Lord allows such awfulness on earth: … Earth is under a curse and separated from God.
Many people somehow seem to think that life is supposed to be wonderful and convenient -- especially first world developed countries where we are able to exert some control over our environment for our comfort and convenience. When suffering in it's various forms happens, people act as if this is something strange and undeserved. Frankly, God talks pretty straight to us in the Bible: Everything is cursed and out of balance: Even the very planet -- so there are violent storms and earthquakes and floods and plagues and predators, all of which induce suffering.
Humanity is cursed: We suffer Psychological imbalances such as fear, hatred, greed, lust -- all of which produce forms of suffering. Biology is cursed too: you will suffer the indignity of aging and then you dieoften not very nicely either, because we are fragile and subject to a host of terrifying diseases and system breakdownsthere will be suffering, and why would you think that you would be spared?
Add to this Satan is lord over earth for the time being.
The Biblical Worldview states quite factually that Evil exists and has it's origins in disobedience to God, demonstrated first by that fallen angel Lucifer, renamed Satan (Hebrew for 'the one who slanders & accuses'--who does Satan accuse? God & His character).
Christians sing in church that 'Jesus is Lord'---and yes, He is indeed, but not on earth yet! God is purposely unfolding His zillion year cosmic plan according to His timing and strategy therefore, the inferior but still destructive devil has his season of influence for a time.
Meanwhile, Jesus is only Lord on earth right now thru the lives of those choosing Him -- and even then for believers it's a battle over just who will be Lord in your life today! In our raping, warring, molesting, greedy world, it's pretty obvious just who owns the system for now and man, do we humans suffer as a result!
The New Testament writings give evidence that one day Jesus WILL come back and rule the earth as the rightful prince. But for now, even Jesus called the devil the Prince of this World. Why? Satan has temporarily seized Lordship over earth thanks to Adam and Eve's disloyalty to God -- thus forfeiting their 'right to rule' over the earth. So not only are we fallen creatures on a fallen, cursed world--we also suffer even more thanks to the evil influences of Satanic lordship.
But wait--there's more: Humans have the freedom of choice for good or bad.
As if the first two reasons weren't enough, another major source of suffering inspite of God's goodness, is our own personal choices which affect us and others. Choice is sacred territory -- and God will let you and I hurt ourselves and others based on our freedom to make our own choices. In fact, God will let us choose to go to Hell before He'll force us into Heaven.
My biological mom died in a car wreck due to drink driving. She was only 28.
Not only did she end her own life due to her tragic choice to drive while intoxicated she also seriously injured someone else in another vehicle.
A sad illustration that God will allow us to make our choices, even though the outcome is so painful. God is willing to forgive, but the consequences are not so forgiving. It's no wonder that God asks us to choose to obey him--even if we don't want to. Obeying God may not solve all our problems, but it doesn't create the kind of suffering that disobedient choices eventually will. At the end of the day, the real issue for those who follow Christ, is will we trust God even if we don't understand or appreciate the decisions He makes and the things He allows? Is He good only when things are going well for you, or is He good all the time, even if your blessings are stolen, or destroyed by some disaster? That famous survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, Corrie Ten Boom once said that 'faith is simply trusting God's character, even when life gives you reasons not to'. Considering that all of Corrie's Christian family perished in the concentration camps, she would have an understanding of suffering and the reality of evil. At times, Corrie & her sister Betsy, who died in the camps, were mocked for their faith by the other prisoners--who would say 'how can there be a God who allows such a nightmare! Betsy replied: 'This camp is not God's doing. I don't know why He allows this place, but if you knew Him you would know that He is love.' She went on to say, 'Perhaps He brought us here to show you that there is no pit so deep, that He is not deeper still'. In my opinion, our purpose on earth is not to have a happy life untouched by evil and the suffering it imposes. Our purpose is to know God and then, having experienced His love, to make Him known in loving service to others. The reality of evil on earth can fill one with dread over the possibilities but if that dread drives you to God, and if from Him you obtain comfort and peace then even evil has been exploited by God. Evil and the pain that it imposes matters very much to God, and He has sent a massive remedy in the form of Christ.
The creator Himself has been victimized by evil and He has shared our suffering -- He knows evil and it's price firsthand. He sees, and He knows and He cares about your suffering.
One day the issue of evil will be permanently and absolutely resolved. And we who have suffered because of it, will be compensated forever, if we are reconciled to God. Until then, let us follow Him faithfully, not because we know or understand everything, but because we know Him and believe He is good!

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